Legislate showcased at London Tech Week 2023

Legislate were exhibitors at London Tech Week 2023

June 16, 2023

Legislate were exhibitors at London Tech Week 2023

LONDON, UK, 16TH JUNE, 5:00PM: London-based startup Legislate showcased in the Start-up Zone at the London Tech Week 2023 at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, 12–14 June. 

The event was celebrating its 10th anniversary - bringing together founders, tech leaders, investors and innovators to engage in discussions on technologies to shape the future - by growing the UK tech ecosystem and driving sustainable innovation. 

The team at Legislate discussed how they found London Tech Week 2023.

Legislate’s Sales team insights

Below are some insights from the Sales team who were staffing Legislate’s exhibition stand at London Tech Week.

Q1. How did you find the event?

A:“It was really insightful to speak with people you would not usually have the opportunity to [in an environment you do not find yourself in everyday]”.
A: “From a networking perspective; it was great to meet and chat with super interesting founders [to learn about their USPs and interest in pursuing other solutions].”

Q2. What did you learn from London Tech Week 2023? 

A: “The event really broadens your horizons [and awareness] of the multitude of initiatives from across the world.”

A: “It really opens your eyes to innovative technology being developed to solve different problems - and the scary growth of tech!”

Legislate’s Marketing team insights

Below are some insights from the Marketing team who attended the various talks and visited the different stands across the Startup zones.

Q3. What was your experience like at the event?

A: “It was such a unique experience to be immersed in the bustling UK tech community, and also getting an insight into the wider world of innovation. The buzz of people and activity was second to none.” 

A: “It was so exciting to be walking through a showcase of innovation! From industry leaders', to fast-growing start ups - the floors were filled with limitless possibilities that lie ahead in the world of tech.”

A: “There were many opportunities to engage in conversation and learn of some new discoveries. Some names that come to mind include Rise Up, MAGIC AI and IBM (who had a very fun interactive stand which attracted lots of attention!)”

Q4. Did you manage to get some good content for the socials?

A” Yes! With content creation being a huge focus in marketing, my camera was constantly open, snapping away - I wanted to capture quite literally everything. I’m currently working on a brief round up for TikTok (@joinlegislate if you haven’t yet followed!)

Q4. Did you enjoy attending the talks, was there any that stood out to you? 

A” One talk that stood out was the generative AI talk with Arthur Hu. With the use of AI constantly increasing and being involved in our working day - it was such an interesting topic that had my full attention throughout.”

“A: “There were some really thought provoking conversations around innovation and digital transformation. Arthur Hu’s quote about comparing generative AI to “autocomplete on steroids” certainly stirred a positive response from the audience!”

Agenda items from London Tech Week 2023

Below we look at some topic that stood out from the event gathered by Legislate’s Content Writer. 

1. The current UK tech scene and innovations 

Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, opened London Tech Week 2023 praising the UK for being “an island of innovation” and the third-largest tech sector in the world.
He also outlined his mission to make the “UK the best country in the world to start, grow, and invest in tech businesses”.  His statement reflected the potential of the tech industry to drive economic growth:“the more we innovate the more we grow”. 

He also indicated that the UK has been successful in attracting more investment in tech compared to other European countries. 

As sessions continued, Katie Prescott, the Technology Business Editor at The Times, discussed that “UK tech sector has been having a crisis of confidence” This owes to the lack of talent and available capital. Despite this, Katie acknowledged that the UK tech scene remains “rich and vibrant” with the variety of businesses still getting funding despite economic challenges. 

2. London in the tech ecosystem 

According to Startup Genome’s Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2023 (GSER) the UK tech ecosystem Is valued at $364 billion. London ranks alongside China and the U.S. as one of the top three locations with such a high ecosystem value. Overall, London has established itself as the second-ranked ecosystem globally, and it was outlined as a major player in the tech industry.

3. Generative AI

There was no escaping the hot topic of Chat GPT/ Generative AI/ Gen AI.

CEO of Microsoft’s UK, Clare Barclay described how the current wave of AI innovation sweeping the world will impact generations to come. She further discussed how it took Chat GPT 2 months to reach 100m users. 

Arthur Hu, Lenovo’s CIO also gave a very interesting discussion on the opportunities and risk of Generative AI – “Gen AI has burst onto the scene, and no technology has scaled so quickly in terms of user adoption.” 

Arthur Hu emphasised that the A in AI, also refers to augmented, not just artificial, and how this augmented intelligence can ground us as humans, and it can place us at the centre and “elevate our capabilities”. Ultimately it is speeding up our productivity but still retaining “our fundamental humanness”. He concluded that this subset of AI has the potential to “unlock a whole new world of possibilities.”

Watch this tech space.

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